At Hyper Island we have blocks of projects that lasts for 4-8 weeks, one of those projects were called "Exploring tech". The end goal was an exhibition with all students from two programs, digital media creative and motion graphics and try out as many technologies and really experiment.
Our team of 5 decided to make a holographic 3D pyramid, no holding back here! The idea was to assemble a big pyramid out of plexi glass, build a frame for everything to stand on and mount a big LCD tv in top of it facing down.
My skilled team mates then modeled different items in 3D, coded them in a pattern using web GL and programmed a leap motion to be able to control the 3D models inside the pyramid using your hand. Pinching for zooming in and out and tapping for seeing the next 3D model.I created a backstory, branding and visuals surrounding our big piece.
The pyramid got a lot of attention at the end exhibition and people were telling friends to come see our installation because of how cool it looked (without bragging to much). It was a very intense journey but the feeling when it all stood there in one piece, without falling apart or failing in any way was absolutely fantastic and a very proud moment in my life.The event had more than 250 visitors and was featured in CapDesign.
You can find me at a few different places. Say hello or just take a sneak peak at my social media life why don't you.
You can find me at a few different places. Say hello or just take a sneak peak at my social media life why don't you.
– Gabriel Heijmer, Digital Project Manager at Taxi Stockholm